General Manager Q&A Session

Sun Nov 16 2014

Now that the Rams 2015 season preparations are well on their way, we sat down for a chat with the Yorkshire Rams General Manager Adam Cowley and asked him some questions about this upcoming year:

How are things going so far this year?

I know in recent times this club has struggled to keep its head above the water. There is no blame to be dished out, everyone who has tried to help this great club in their own way has done it with the best intentions of the club as a whole and yet it has still struggled. There is no apparent reason for this but yet it has become clear change is needed and now I believe this club has finally turned that corner and is on the up.

Are there any changes this year?

Yes, there are some massive changes and some gutsy calls. A huge amount of hard work and dedication from all the committee, coaches, players and volunteers has gone into this to make them happen. This is our promise to continue with the progression off the field so that the players can progress on the field.

So what can we expect to see?

A whole new committee which is committed to making big improvements to the club. Enthusiasm, commitment and the relentlessness to succeed in our goals has driven us to be leaps and bounds past where we were in previous years. Our public image was a large factor and a goal to improve that was set out early in our mission this year. Starting with the new and improved website design, it is still currently being fleshed out but that’s because we want to build the site in tandem with the club’s progression into pre-season.

What’s happening with coaches now Orlando Weekes has stepped down as Head Coach and Rick Strout has moved on from Offensive Coordinator?

As you have already been made aware of we have a new Head Coach in Andrew Cheeseman, who I have complete faith and trust in and I know that he will do an excellent job for the club. Along with Coach Cheeseman there will be a number of new coaches added to the coaching roster, these coaches will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to re-energise experienced players and coach rookies quickly, safely and with sound technique. New coaches inevitably bring new playbooks, both Offensive and Defensive units will get new playbooks this year.

What are you expecting from your players this year?

I’m hoping and expecting them to both come open minded to the changes and buy into them as a whole concept. There are huge changes this year, not everyone will be happy, not everyone will agree. But, what I expect is players to come ready to do it for the team. Over the last few years we have relied heavily on player coaches, this year we wont be! So I will be asking those players in particular to put down those coaching caps and turn up as a player. That being said, those guys will still be expected to turn up and lead by example each and every week. ALL starting spots are open to change so guys now have to fight for their starting places again.

Is there any more you’re willing to tell us now?

These are a few things that have been going on over the last couple of months, keep an eye out over the next few months for the build up to pre-season as more exciting things are yet to be revealed.

What do you expect to see at the club this year?

2015 is going to be the year the Rams finally reunite as a family unit, we will embrace new and old together and become a leader in our disciplines and set a standard to be proud of for many years to come.