Rookie Watch - Offensive Lineman/Linebacker, [Alan Stockdale](/person/alan-stockdale)

Mon Apr 13 2015

In this “Rookie Watch” series we will get to know some of the Yorkshire Rams new, up-and-coming players, today it’s Rookie Offensive Lineman and Linebacker, Alan “Stocky” Stockdale.

Name: Alan Stockdale Position: Offensive Line/Linebacker Number: #71 Height: 6’1” Weight: 231lbs NFL team: New York Giants Experience: Rookie

What is your greatest achievement with the Rams? Becoming the disarmingly witty, devastatingly handsome and extremely modest person I am today

Any advice for the other rookies? Keep learning and trying to be better every week. And turn up on time

How about advice for any youngsters aspiring to play senior football? Listen to your coaches

What’s on your pre-game soundtrack? “Kashmir” - Led Zeppelin

What do you eat the evening before a game? Whatever the hell I want. Twice

What would you say is your biggest inspiration? Lawrence Taylor

Favourite Quote: When asked, in 2006, what he would’ve been, if not a professional footballer, Peter Crouch responded with “A virgin”

Twitter name: @stockdale11